Fit to Print

  • Format: Grunnsett
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Antall spillere: 17+
  • Spilletid: Under 30 minutter
  • Slippdato: 31. okt. 2023
  • Forlag: Flatout Games
kr  454,30

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kr  649,00

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Fit to Print is a puzzly tile-laying game about breaking news, designed by Peter McPherson and set in a charming woodland world created by Ian O’Toole! Thistleville is the world’s most bustling...
Fit to Print is a puzzly tile-laying game about breaking news, designed by Peter McPherson and set in a charming woodland world created by Ian O’Toole! Thistleville is the world’s most bustling little town — it’s a challenge to keep up with everything going on, from who took home first prize for their baked goods at the community fair to who has been digging in Mrs. Brambleberry’s carrot patch. As an editor at one of the local newspapers, your job is to tell their stories!

Husk kortlommer (sleeves)!
Ta vare på kortene som følger med i dette spillet! Vi anbefaler at kortene legges i kortlommer for å redusere slitasje, samt gjøre stokkingen lettere! Nedenfor ser du kortlommene vi anbefaler til dette spillet:

SKU 729220010292
Opprinnelsesland : Kina
Serie Fit to Print
Forfattere Peter McPherson
Format Grunnsett
Språk Engelsk
Minimum Spilltid Under 30 minutter
Anbefalt Alder 10
Spilltid 15 - 30 minutter
Utgiver Flatout Games
Mekanikk Samlespill
Illustratør Ian O'Toole